Tuesday 14 July 2015

Do unicorns exist?

Hi guys, this topic is very bizarre.

I understand not everyone is a fan of unicorns but they may have existed and may still exist. Unicorns may have looked completely different to what we associate with them. An example of a creature that has previously been misrepresented is a T-Rex that actually had feathers.

A unicorn could possibly use its horn to kill prey which would also mean that it would have to possess long serrated teeth to cut through tough lumps of flesh. If a unicorn did exist it could be the top of the food chain, maybe even stronger than a lion. Alternatively it could use its horn as defence just like a rhino. I prefer the flesh-eating unicorn theory!

Another crazy idea is that unicorns live in candy forests.

However unlikely it may be, candy forests could exist. A species of plant on a distant world or undiscovered in our world could resemble candy and, like sugar cane or beat, contain a lot of sugar.

My conclusion is that unicorns could exist.

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